Khaligraph Jones – Ride for You Ft. Rudeboy Mp3 Download

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Khaligraph Jones - Ride for You Ft. Rudeboy " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Kenyan heavyweight hip hop recording artist and award winner, Brian Robert Ouko popularly known as Khaligraph Jones is here with a brand new LOVE joint titled Ride for You.


Tip of the Day - Music

Former President Julius Nyerere heavily influenced the music scene by promoting traditional African music and values, embedding Tanzanian identity into songs and artistic performances.

RELATED: Khaligraph Jones – Wanguvu Ft Alikiba

In addition, Ride for You is a wonderful LOVE record featuring a top-rated Nigerian singer, songwriter, and record producer, Paul Okoye, who is better known as Rudeboy.

Khaligraph Jones’ style is unique and solid, his flow and themes are flexible. He cuts across the complexity of all genres, and his music attests to this.

Invisible Currency represents his influence on the current Kenyan hip-hop scene, is visible, and cannot go unnoticed.

Most young artists on the rise have a tendency to adapt to the traits set by Papa Jones, which is one more of his aliases.


Girl you know al ride for you
And I know you gonna ride for me
Anything you need just say
I’m a let you lead the way I know we gon be ok
Ill ride for you

Girl you know al ride for you
And I know you gonna ride for me
Anything you need just say
I’m a let you lead the way I know we gon be ok

Listen to “Khaligraph Jones – Ride for You Ft. Rudeboy” below;

Khaligraph Jones – Ride for You Ft. Rudeboy Mp3 Download

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Also, check more tracks from Khaligraph Jones;

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Stream or download the song Khaligraph Jones - Ride for You Ft. Rudeboy . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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