Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love Mp3 Download

Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love Mp3 Download, Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love, Nyimbo za Mbosso, Nyimbo za Zuchu

Mbosso Ft Zuchu For your Love Lyrics


It’s your smile for me

When you wake up

In the morning mpenzi wangu eeh

You touch me slowly

Nachekanacheka mwenzie

You keep me falling mpenzi wangu

Na kwenye giza giza totoro

We ndo mwanagaza wangu

Chuma wangu wa kupapasia

You don’t say

I love you love you to much ooh

Baby you don’t say

I need you I need you too much ooh

Aaaah yaruhii habiby

Eeeh I love you

Aaah yaruhii habiby

Eeeh I love you

Baby kwa penzi lako oooh

Nagaranagara nagaragara mie nagaragara oooh oooooh nagaragara uwwh

Kwa penzi lako ooooh

Nagaranagara nagaragara mie oooh nagaragara

For your love oooooh

For your lovee oooh

For your love baby

Tumemshinda shetani baby

Tumewashinda mahasidi

Tumewashinda mayawaani ooh halahala

Kitanda kiwe sahani mpenzi

Nikule nikufaidi

Nishoshe niwe taaban ooh halahala

Mie mtoto wa udongo Mvua siziwezii

Kilema nisiye na magongo nachechemea chechemea

Dumande tupige msondo Unirudishe enzi

Nami nianze ndondondo kunyemelea nyemelea

Jah bless my love amen

Bless my baby Amen

Bless my one and only amen

Furaha yangu amen, ya dunia amen

From the sun and the moon amen

Midnight and the noon amen

Nilindie kipenzi changu amen

Wasije wao wakanibia amen amen amen

Aaah yarahui habiby

Eeh I love you

Aaaah yarahui habiby

Eeeeh I love you

Baby kwa penzi lako oooh

Nagaragara nagaragaraa mie oooh

Nagaragara nagaragara nagaragara eeh

Kwa penzi lako oooh nagaragara

Nagaragara kwenye vumbi la mapenzi oooh Nagaragara

For you love oooh


Stream or download the song Mbosso Ft Zuchu – For your Love . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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