Rema Namakula – Tikula Mp3 Download

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Released on Wednesday November 15 2023 " Rema Namakula - Tikula " is another music track that you need to listen and add to your collection.

 Rema Namakula - Tikula Mp3 Download


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

Ugandan female recording artist, Rema Namakula has released her much anticipated single titled Tikula.

RELATED: Rema Namakula – Clear

In 2016, Rema Namakula was selected to represent Uganda in the fourth season of Coke Studio Africa 2016.


Oluusi neebuuza
Mu balungi b’olabye mu nsi
Ddala nze ani gwe weekwata?
Mbadde noonya nga gwekweeka
Omukwano oguwangaala
Nga manyi nti ebyange byagaana
Nali mbiroota ebyomunda
Eby’okufuna gwe nina nzekka
Nga nakoowa abampooninga
Mukwano nina obudde
Ndi mu mood ndowooza ggwe
Ntikkula naawe, aah

Listen to “Rema Namakula – Tikula” below;

Rema Namakula – Tikula Mp3 Download

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Stream or download the song Rema Namakula - Tikula . This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Music songs below.

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