Kila Ulimi - AICT Changombe Choir (CVC) ft Zoravo

Kila Ulimi By ACT

Released on Thursday March 21 2024 "Kila Ulimi By AICT Changombe Choir (CVC) ft Zoravo" is another Gospel music track that you need to listen and add it to your collection.

AICT Changombe Choir (CVC) ft Zoravo Kila Ulimi Mp3 Download Tanzanian Bongo Flava artist, singer and songwriter known as AIC Changombe Choir is here with their gospel song titled “Kila Ulimi” featuring Zoravo.


Tip of the Day - Music

Gospel music originated in the early 17th century, evolving from Christian hymns and spirituals. It incorporates elements such as call and response singing, influenced by African musical traditions, and often features dominant vocals with strong harmonies.

  1. Nyimbo Mpya za AICT Changombe Choir (CVC) Songs Here
  2. Nyimbo Mpya za Zoravo Songs Here
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  4. Utukufu By Zoravo ft Blessed Hango & Franc Jamrack Mp3 Download

AICT Chang’ombe Choir (CVC) ft Zoravo Kila Ulimi Mp3 Download


Stream or download the Gospel song Kila Ulimi By AICT Changombe Choir (CVC) ft Zoravo. This catchy new song, which has been trending for the past 1 year ago has received around views here on Nyimbo Mpya. Support good music by sharing it with your friends today for an unforgettable musical experience. You can also find more Nyimbo za Dini songs below.

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