DJ Lag – Destiny Ft. Amanda Black

It is the hour of “Destiny” for South African musicians Amanda Black and DJ Lag, as they link up for a new song which you can stream here on UbeToo, South Africa’s premier music hub.

DJ Lag is the lead singer, with Amanda Black coming in as the guest. But the two of them hit it off at once creating a musical experience that’s hard to miss. That’s all the more interesting because the two of them don’t have a long collaborative history.

Contrary to what the title might suggest, “Destiny” is not some drab take on life and happenings around. It is yet a potent number with a message that just about anyone can relate to.

The lad singer, DJ Lag, is one of the key voices on South Africa’s deejaying scene, although it might appear like he’s not in the news all the time. He’s one voice to check out if you’re exploring South African music or just want a new, invigorating musical experience

And Amanda Black? Her appeal goes beyond the music actually. She did put up a fine performance with DJ Lag on this one. The result is something you should love. Go ahead and find out if you please.

DJ Lag – Destiny Ft. Amanda Black