Imetolewa rasmi siku ya Jumatano Novemba 15 2023 "
Tip of the Day - Music
The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.
Clouds Media (Fiesta 2022) Weka Maneno Mp3 Video Download, In the history of entertainment in East and Central Africa there has been no spectacle as big that has burned as bright as Fiesta. Fiesta, now entering its 15th year is the region’s largest and oldest music festival and is commonly referred to as “East Africa’s Biggest Stage“.
Starting as an annual show in Dar es Salaam over a decade ago, Fiesta has mushroomed into 20 dates annually with a total attendance reaching nearly 700,000 people and is highlighted by the Fiesta Grand Finale Show in Dar es Salaam that has an annual attendance of 60,000+ people.
Fiesta hands down is East and Central Africa’s number one platform in regards to engagement and interaction with the youth category, which makes up 60% of the region’s population.
Clouds Fiesta 2022 – Weka Maneno Mp3 Download
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