
Nandy Live Perfomance Arusha.

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Imetolewa rasmi siku ya Jumatano Novemba 15 2023 "Nandy Live Perfomance Arusha." ni wimbo mwingine wa Music ambao unahitaji kusikiliza na kuongeza kwenye mkusanyiko wa nyimbo uzipendazo.” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””>


Tip of the Day - Music

The Sukuma people have a popular traditional dance called Bugobogobo, where performers imitate the movements of different animals, including snakes and crocodiles, as part of their musical routines.

Nandy is a top Tanzanian female artist. She was selected to represent Coke Studio Africa 2017, where she did a remarkable performance with the Ethiopian Betty G and though a new comer at Coke Studio, got an opportunity to be upgraded to the high profile artists. 

Nandy in November made Tanzania proud after being nominated and winning the Best Female on the East Africa category in the all Africa Music Awards (AFRIMMA). 

This was the first major award for this upcoming artist.
This opened up doors for her National recognition and Corporate Endorsements - signing for products - TradeKings, ENLAIR POPS and also signing as an Ambassador alongside Aslay for the National Sanitation and Hygiene campaign ( USICHUKULIE POA, NYUMBA NI CHOO).

She has currently the Number 1 song on Clouds FM for Four weeks in a row for her hit song Kivuruge and hopefully will get the recognition that all artists strive for “JIWE LA MWEZI” that is awarded for songs that have surpassed a Million viewers on YOU TUBE but have held the charts the longest. 

Download Nandy Nyimbo Hapa


Sikiliza au pakua wimbo huu wa Music Nandy Live Perfomance Arusha.. Wimbo huu mpya wenye mvuto, ambao umekuwa maarufu kwa 1 mwaka ago zilizopita umepata karibu watazamaji 89 hapa Nyimbo Mpya. Saidia kueneza muziki mzuri kwa kushirikisha marafiki zako leo kwa uzoefu usiosahaulika wa muziki. Unaweza pia kupata nyimbo zaidi za Music hapa chini.

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